Texas Alumni
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Benefit Auction

Texas FFA Alumni
Texas AgriStars Benefit Auction
July 11, 2024

Houston, Texas

Dear Friend, 

It is just about time for our annual auction - The Texas AgriStars Benefit Auction. This annual event is held in conjunction with the Texas FFA Convention. This year, Texas FFA members, parents, businesses, and industry leaders will convene in Dallas , TX the week of July 8-12, 2024, to celebrate the 96th Annual FFA Convention. The proceeds we gain from this auction go to benefit the Texas FFA, and the Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association of Texas. These proceeds provide scholarships, sponsorship's to send students to leadership training, and provide general support directly and indirectly to almost 170,00,000 members of the Texas FFA! We would like to ask you/your organization to consider donating to our benefit auction. Your help is greatly needed and no contribution would be too large or small. A monetary contribution to our general scholarship fund, rather than sending items for the live auction, is also appreciated. An “Auction Donation Form” is enclosed. All contributions need to be received by July 1, 2024 or brought to the Alumni booth at the convention.  All donors will receive recognition in the Auction Catalog. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
I can be contacted at


Kelly White
FFA Alumni Association





FFA Alumni Auction Donation Letter Alumni Texas FFA 4/15/2024 79 KB



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